Innovation highlights from Mambu #5


Product updates

Publish date

17 Jun 2024


Sara Taify

Discover the latest enhancements in our cloud banking platform designed with our customers in mind helping them build financial products better and faster than ever before.


More options for deposit fee calculations with Functions

We’ve introduced support for grouped custom fields within Mambu Functions, enabling more flexible and accurate calculation of deposit fee amounts.

Use cases include leveraging customer segmentation to apply precise fees tailored to your needs, extending personalised service by waiving fees for students or newcomers to the country, easily implementing additional charges for services like paper statements or offering enticing fee discounts based on status or age group and more.

At its core, Mambu Functions is about endless innovation and opportunities, there’s a sea of possibilities for you to explore, dive in!

Platform & Core Services

Accurate settlement dates with holidays per currency

Currency holidays are specific days when no settlement of prior transactions takes place. In addition to holiday configurations at the branch level, customers can now define holidays for individual currencies through our API, Configuration as Code (CasC) or through the Mambu UI.

This enhancement ensures seamless and accurate calculation of settlement dates, providing more flexible options for our customers and accommodating different financial systems as well as regional variations.


Enhanced card authorisation holds and optimised accounting reports performance

We have enhanced the management of card authorisation holds. To comply with financial regional differences, customers can now revert the status of an authorisation hold 'EXPIRED', 'SETTLED', or 'REVERSED' back to 'PENDING' even after the final settlement. For more information, please refer to the Cards section in our API Reference.

We have also optimised the performance of our accounting API, ensuring faster and more efficient data retrieval when building accounting reports.

Stay tuned

We hope you find these updates insightful. If you are a Mambu customer seeking further information, please connect with your dedicated Customer Success Manager or subscribe to our customer newsletter for ongoing updates on the enhancements to our cloud banking platform.

Not using Mambu, or curious to know more? Talk to our team today and join over 260 trailblazers who are shaping the future of banking and finance.

Discover the Mambu platform

Configurable deposits and lending products, partnerships with best-of-breed technology providers, your choice of major cloud providers and a clear and transparent SaaS delivery and pricing model, we’ve got you covered.

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